A winter's day
In a deep and dark December
I am alone
Gazing from my window
To the streets below
On a freshly fallen silent shroud of snow
I am a rock
I am an island
I've built walls
A fortress deep and mighty
That none may penetrate
I have no need of friendship
Friendship causes pain
It's laughter and it's loving I disdain
I am a rock
I am an island
Don't talk of love
Well I've heard the word before
It's sleeping in my memory
I won't disturb the slumber
Of feelings that have died
If I never loved I never would have cried
I am a rock
I am an island
I have my books
And my poetry to protect me
I am shielded in my armor
Hiding in my room
Safe within my womb
I touch no one and no one touches me
I am a rock
I am an island
And a rock feels no pain
And an island never cries
Someone said to me ,,The truth is in lyrics". As you see above, it is absolutely true. I am this rock from the song. I create my safe fortress from books, thoughts. But I can't say that I don't need love, friendship or acceptation. Moreover, lyrics and of course songs by Simon&Garfunkel are as I would say, my life. Because there are a few songs that characterise my exsistence here on Earth. I joined ,,Bridge over troubled water" with the best time of my life. It was when Someone understood me. But not enteirly I suppose. If so, we would continue this ,,best time" till now. ,,The boxer" is the song, from which I started my fascination, love and amusement when it comes to S&G. It was the 2000 year, I think. My English teatcher brought lyrics of ,,The boxer" and we had to fill in the gaps after listening the song. I remember that after coming back home I listened to that about twenty times and the reality didn't exsist that time. ,,The 59's bridge song" makes me beam. It is because I received a birthday card in which was the quote from that song. And the card was given by someone special. I shouldn't write this because it hurts. My soul hurts, my heart hurts. But still it is someone special. ,,The sound of silence'' is importand to me. It reminds me of the city in the night. Warsaw by night is special, magical, it has this specific razzmatazz fragrance. Still it is an ironic, sad song about the disability to talk, to understand and hear-listen tandem. Do you know ,,Cloudy" ? I dedicate it to those who adore the blue sky, sun and stars...
There's no earthly way of knowing what was in your heart when it stopped going. The whole world shook. A storm was blowing through you.
13 czerwca 2005
I am a rock (Simon&Garfunkel)
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Czas jest bezwzględny dla wszystkich bez wyjątku i po równo traktujący każdego. Płynie swoim trybem, stale ustalonym tempem. Sekundy, minuty...
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Time, time, see how it runs.
Nie żebym chciała zapychać bloga nie pisząc niczego ale przeglądając zdjęcia z ostatnich kilku plenerów znalazłam pare ładnych, na których m...
6 komentarzy:
Mieszkam w wysokiej wieży otoczonej fosą
Mam parasol, który chroni mnie przed nocą
Oddycham głęboko, stawiam piedestały
Jutro będę duży, dzisiaj jestem mały
Stawiam świat na głowie, do góry nogami
Na odwrót i wspak, bawię się słowami
Na białym, czarnym kreślę jakieś plamy
Jutro będę duży, dzisiaj jestem mały
Mieszkam w wysokiej wieży, ona mnie obroni
Nie walczę już z nikim, nie walczę już o nic
Palą się na stosie moje ideały
Jutro będę duży, dzisiaj jestem mały
Wieża radości, wieża samotności; Sztywny Pal Azji
Tylko why a hell to jest in inglisz? Zmusiłaś mnie do uruchomienia dodatkowego procenta aktywności muzgu... sadystka...
W wakacje nie można zapomnieć czegoś się w szkółce nauczył. Zwłaszcza jenzyków
Otóż, otóż, postanowiłam reaktywować nieużywane partie mózgu:)
Zacznij pisać po niemiecku, albo walijsku, to dopiero będzie hardkor
musiałabym się najpierw podszkolić:) ale to niezły pomysł jest
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