23 marca 2005

Of sound mind and body?

Hypocrisy I can’t stand. But it’s another story... The thing is that I hate myself. Yes, I wrote somewhere here that I like myself. It’s true. I like being a woman three times a week. But other four days are rubbish. My body is some kind of a border that keeps me on this exact place and doesn’t allow me to go where I belong. I can’t do things and actions that I would like to do if I lived in another epoque, time and body. I would be someone else. Someone smart, beautiful and with this specific wind of razzmatazz. And I hate my face. And my disabilities. And my character that drives me crazy! Make a little change in my life and I will be furious, mad. What a marvelous feature of character - surely will help me in my future life, thank you, God! And you know what? Loneliness is absolutely fantastic.
Matura, Studies, Life. Yea, sounds like fun. But there is a little obstacle- you have to pass the exams to get to the university. They have a lot of laugh when I say- I will go for resocialisation. "What will you do then? Working with criminals?" But I want to do things that I like. And I want to help people get back to normal life. No one living can ever stop me.

4 komentarze:

Anonimowy pisze...

>Lonelyness is absolutely fantastic.

at times I can agree. At times loneliness is like a little warm nestle.

As for resocialisation and your dreams, I'll quote a wise men:
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." Actually, it was Mark Twain

Anonimowy pisze...

Katować człowieka językiem language tak na święta... zwariować można.

Anonimowy pisze...

Tak mi sie jakos napisało:) Angielski to fajny język:)

Anonimowy pisze...

wiem jak to jest gdy wybiera się kierunek, który dla innych wydaje się denny i bez przyszłości...ale właściwie co to znaczy że bez przyszłości? jeśli widzisz siebie właśnie na resocjalizacji to pogratulować bo są ludzie którzy idą na studia wcale nie umiejąc sobie wyobrazić siebie w danym zawodzie...
trzeba robić to co sie lubie...


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